Business is such a broad topic that you can write tons about it from all sorts of views and perspectives. Author Carrie Wilkerson, founder/owner of The Barefoot Executive, writes her book for those who are just starting in the world of entrepreneurship, yet it is targeted for some as a refreshing topic to those who are already established in the world of entrepreneurship. This is a must have for home based businesses.
Once I began reading, I immediately started tweeting quotes and other tweets on Twitter, and guess who I interacted with via Twitter? Carrie Wilkerson. What she writes in her book, she literally practices and lives by. She took time out to tweet with me. I was truly honored. In Carrie's book, she writes that you have to build relationships--which she is doing with her followers on Twitter, and I am sure elsewhere too. Consumers want to be "romanticized" by businesses (not my words, Carrie's). To find out what Carrie means by "romanticized", check out her book! ;)
Carrie says that you have to stay focused on your area of specialty before you can increase products, services and other offers to consumers. Carrie provides lots of examples, resources and quotes that are beneficial to the readers.
Carrie doesn't sugarcoat the world of entrepreneurship. She makes you look at questions and other areas to make sure you are on the right track.
This book highly recommended. After all, I took notes and tweeted while reading Carrie's book.
FTC: I was sent this book for review. All opinions are my own.
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