Review: Purex® Complete 3-in-1™ Laundry Sheets

I have been accepted as a Purex Insider, where I get to test products and give feedback. I am excited because I am not the biggest fan when it comes to laundry.

I received Purex® Complete 3-in-1 Laundry Sheets. I was kind of skeptical looking at the product, thinking one sheet can be used in three different ways? Not only as detergent, but softener and anti-static as well. My husband was sure it wasn't going to work.

After I loaded the clothes into the washer, I placed one Laundry sheet and let it run its cycle. Then I transferred the same load into the dryer along with the same Laundry sheet and let the dryer run its cycle.

When the load was finished, my husband and I were impressed that the clothes were clean and smelled nicely!

I was relieved to see how easier washing the clothes became! I am planning on using Purex Complete 3-in-1 Laundry Sheets.


  1. How awesome! I saw the previews for this with Mom jealous! Sharing some blog love also...grab your One Lovely Blog award!

  2. Thanks for stopping by! Thanks for the award!



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