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Fool Proof Budget Plan For Fighting Growing Gas Prices
Gas prices are soaring closer to $100 a barrel as trouble pours out of the Middle East. It looks like transportation is going to cost us plenty for at least the near future, but there are ways to cut back on costs. Follow the following 10 frugal fuel-consumption tips so you won't have to leave the gas pump with a half-empty tank.
1. Use Your Smart Phone
There are plenty of money-saving apps dedicated to trimming everyday expenses, some of which include travel costs. The GasBuddy app will coordinate your location with the best gas prices in your area. Another app worth test driving is CheapGas, which provides precise directions to the nearest and least-expensive gas station.
2. Shop Online
According to a recent study by Carnegie Melon's Green Institute, shopping online saves an average of 35-percent in gas consumption. Next time you're seeking a new pair of trousers, shop online to cut down on fuel costs. Those who prefer to avoid delivery charges can find plenty of free shipping coupons at sites like FreeShipping.org or CouponSherpa.com, which offer deals for popular stores like JCPenney, Verizon, Home Depot & DELL.
3. Lay-off the Lead Foot
We know everyone is in a hurry, but zipping through traffic is anything but gas efficient. Stick to the speed limit and remember speeds exceeding 40 mph force your vehicle to overcome forceful wind resistance, thus consuming fuel faster. Keep an eye on your odometer for maximum fuel efficiency.
4. Leave Rapid Starts to the Jack Rabbits
Do you race away from stop lights at the speed of Br'er Rabbit? You're wasting a lot of gas just to reach the next stop light a second faster.
5. Coordinate Carpools
Carpooling simply makes sense -- or is it cents? Use the Carpicipate app to locate like-minded neighbors or community members interested in sharing rides.
6. Be Loyal to Your Reward Card
Grocery stores like King Soopers offer up to 10-cents off per gallon for buying groceries and filling up at their tanks. Some stores offer an additional savings if you pay cash, when combined with your reward card. Just make sure you save your cashier's receipt to get the full savings.
7. Buy Discount Gas Gift Cards
Did you know you don't have to pay full price for a gift card? Sites like GiftCardGranny.com offer a diverse selection of discount gas gift cards from various card vendors. Run out of cash on your card? GiftCardGranny offers an alert on newly available discount gift cards, so you'll be notified every time there's a new card available.
8. Fuel Up at Warehouse Pumps
Filling up at your local warehouse club can save you anywhere from five to 10 cents on fuel compared to surrounding gas stations.
9. Give Generic a Go
Just like pantry staples and other generics, buying "off-brand" gas gets your car from place to place in the same shape as fuel from name-brand stations. In fact, it's often the same gas, yet the price can differ by about 20 cents a gallon.
10. Use Low Octane
According to NPR's Car Talk, using a higher octane gas when your car doesn't need it is worthless. Check your vehicle's manual to determine how low you can go.
Visit Go Frugal With These 10 Gas-Saving Tips to view the full article.
1. Use Your Smart Phone
There are plenty of money-saving apps dedicated to trimming everyday expenses, some of which include travel costs. The GasBuddy app will coordinate your location with the best gas prices in your area. Another app worth test driving is CheapGas, which provides precise directions to the nearest and least-expensive gas station.
2. Shop Online
According to a recent study by Carnegie Melon's Green Institute, shopping online saves an average of 35-percent in gas consumption. Next time you're seeking a new pair of trousers, shop online to cut down on fuel costs. Those who prefer to avoid delivery charges can find plenty of free shipping coupons at sites like FreeShipping.org or CouponSherpa.com, which offer deals for popular stores like JCPenney, Verizon, Home Depot & DELL.
3. Lay-off the Lead Foot
We know everyone is in a hurry, but zipping through traffic is anything but gas efficient. Stick to the speed limit and remember speeds exceeding 40 mph force your vehicle to overcome forceful wind resistance, thus consuming fuel faster. Keep an eye on your odometer for maximum fuel efficiency.
4. Leave Rapid Starts to the Jack Rabbits
Do you race away from stop lights at the speed of Br'er Rabbit? You're wasting a lot of gas just to reach the next stop light a second faster.
5. Coordinate Carpools
Carpooling simply makes sense -- or is it cents? Use the Carpicipate app to locate like-minded neighbors or community members interested in sharing rides.
6. Be Loyal to Your Reward Card
Grocery stores like King Soopers offer up to 10-cents off per gallon for buying groceries and filling up at their tanks. Some stores offer an additional savings if you pay cash, when combined with your reward card. Just make sure you save your cashier's receipt to get the full savings.
7. Buy Discount Gas Gift Cards
Did you know you don't have to pay full price for a gift card? Sites like GiftCardGranny.com offer a diverse selection of discount gas gift cards from various card vendors. Run out of cash on your card? GiftCardGranny offers an alert on newly available discount gift cards, so you'll be notified every time there's a new card available.
8. Fuel Up at Warehouse Pumps
Filling up at your local warehouse club can save you anywhere from five to 10 cents on fuel compared to surrounding gas stations.
9. Give Generic a Go
Just like pantry staples and other generics, buying "off-brand" gas gets your car from place to place in the same shape as fuel from name-brand stations. In fact, it's often the same gas, yet the price can differ by about 20 cents a gallon.
10. Use Low Octane
According to NPR's Car Talk, using a higher octane gas when your car doesn't need it is worthless. Check your vehicle's manual to determine how low you can go.
Visit Go Frugal With These 10 Gas-Saving Tips to view the full article.
Savings off of Christopher Drummond Beauty
Save 15% off Christopher Drummond Beauty products. Use the code mascara . Code expires March 7, 2011. You also get free shipping off of $50 or more within continental USA.
Round Four - Small Business Owner Receives Help in Leveraging Teaming Arrangements to Win Contracts
Through the power of collaboration and partnerships as well as developing a subcontracting and teaming plan, business owners can effectively capitalize on the more than $500 billion the U.S. government spends each year in federal contracts. In 2009, the federal government awarded $537 billion in contracts, making it the largest consumer in the world.
According to an American Express OPEN survey, business owners who team up with other small businesses to jointly bid on federal contracts see the greatest results: Two-thirds (68 percent) of active small business contractors who have pursued teaming opportunities have exceeded $1 million in federal contracts won to date, and 38 percent have exceeded $10 million. Also, businesses that partner with a larger prime contractor also report a higher success rate versus the average small business contractor: 61 percent of active small businesses that have performed as a subcontractor report that the total value of all of the federal contracts they have won to date exceeds $1 million, and 31 percent have exceeded $10 million.
During the one-hour session, Lourdes will provide insights for both small and mid-sized businesses on how to find and market their unique value proposition to potential teaming partners. Women business owners who are interested in receiving the consultation opportunity and playing a feature role on the webinar should visit http://www.giveme5.com/events# 232 to download the application. Completed forms should then be e-mailed to Michael Fravel at mfravel@wipp.org. All submissions will be reviewed but only one woman business owner will be chosen.
Give Me 5 “Ready For Prime Time”: How to Leverage Teaming Arrangements
Date: Wednesday, March 13, 2011
Time: 3-4 p.m. ET / 12 p.m.-1 p.m. PT
Where: Virtual
136 Discounts for Seniors
With every new wrinkle-reducing cream and hair-restoring foam that hits the market, we are reminded how much money Americans blow fighting the dreaded aging process. Thankfully, there are also plenty of financial perks that come with getting older - if you know where to look. For the frugal shopper, our "golden years" offer a wealth of discounts on everything from groceries and clothing to travel and, of course, restaurants. At Gift Card Granny we've rounded up 136 of the best deals aimed exclusively at the senior set:
"136 Discounts Just for Seniors" - http://www.giftcardgranny.com/ blog/senior-discounts/
The list includes:
"136 Discounts Just for Seniors" - http://www.giftcardgranny.com/
The list includes:
- Over 50 restaurant discounts to popular chains including Applebees, IHOP & Dunkin Donuts
- Travel discounts from Amtrak, American Airlines, Budget Rental Cars and many others
- Discounts on clothes from merchants including Banana Republic, Dress Barn and Kohls
- Grocery discounts from Food Lion, Kroger, Publix and more
"Be Unstoppable" While Supporting the Women's Sports Foundation
The Playtex® Sport® brand launched the “Be Unstoppable” movement – a celebration of physical activity that inspires others to be unstoppable, shines the spotlight on women and girls in active moments and shows how they can exude confidence with every move they make, every day.
The Playtex® Sport® teamed up with Candace Parker for our “Unstoppable Moves” video series launching this week. Every time a clip of unstoppable moves is uploaded, $5 will be donated to the Women’s Sports Foundation in support of programs that nurture healthy, active and confident girls.
You can like the Playtex Sport fan page.
Introduce A Girl to Engineering Day Set for February 24 With Goal of Reaching 10,000 Girls
Leaders from both the public and private sectors have spoken loudly: We as a nation must increase the numbers of well trained and educated engineers if we are to remain competitive on the global stage. With that urgent call as a backdrop, it becomes critical that girls and women take their place among our next generation of engineering leaders.
Some of the many local activities planned for Girl Day 2011 include:
National Engineers Week Foundation’s commitment to girls and women does not stop with Introduce a Girl to Engineering Day. From March 7-12, Engineers Week presents the Global Marathon For, By and About Women in Engineering and Technology, an annual worldwide forum connecting professional women, college students and girls for virtual and in-person conversations about education and careers in engineering and technology.
Visit http://www.eweek.org/ EngineersWeek/Introduce.aspx to access Girl Day activities nationwide.
For more information about National Engineers Week Foundation, visit www.eweek.org.
Starting February 24, women engineers and their male counterparts will mentor and reach as many as one million girls around the country with workshops, tours, on-line discussions and a host of hands-on activities at local businesses, universities and libraries for the 10th annual of Introduce a Girl to Engineering Day. This year, Engineers Week puts the ‘G’ in engineering in an even bigger way and takes the annual event to new heights with its special 10 for 10 anniversary campaign, a multi-faceted effort intended to reach 10,000 10-year-old girls with positive engineering experiences. 10 for 10 launches nationally on Introduce a Girl to Engineering Day and runs for 10 weeks, concluding on May 8, Mother’s Day. National Engineers Week Foundation will collect information about events and count girls reached. All events deliver the message that a career in engineering is within the grasp of every young woman looking to play a role in addressing the issues her generation will face as it comes of age. Introduce a Girl to Engineering Day is one of the tent pole events that make up National Engineers Week 2011, February 20-26, 2011.
In addition to National Engineers Week Foundation, the organizers of the 10 for 10 initiative include National Girls Collaborative Project, Girls RISEnet/ASTC Girl Scouts of the USA, AAUW, Sci-Girls (PBS), Society for Women Engineers, Women in Engineering ProActive Network (WEPAN), and National Coalition of Girls Schools.
Raytheon Company, one of the co-chairs of National Engineers Week, has been a strong corporate advocate of engineering-focused programs that reach out to young people.
“The vision of this collaborative initiative is to broaden the way girls and young women look at engineering - to help them see the creative and relevant work that engineers do,” said Karen Peterson, Principal Investigator for National Girls Collaborative Project and CEO of EdLab Group. “This year’s 10 for 10 campaign is particularly exciting because it leverages many powerful partnerships to reach more girls at a younger age and for a sustained period of time.”
Some of the many local activities planned for Girl Day 2011 include:
· Miami Science Museum will celebrate the 10th anniversary of Introduce A Girl to Engineering Day on Saturday, February 26th from 12-4 p.m. The Society of Women Engineers and Engineers Without Borders will lead activities and demonstrations on various engineering topics. There will also be informative presentations geared towards students who may be interested in engineering as a career from Irene Fraga of Fraga Engineering and Stephanie Gillespie of SWE.
· Rockwell Collins will host 5th - 8th grade girls from the Meskawki Tribe in Tama and Cedar Rapids middle schools for tours, hands-on activities and one to one time with female engineers. Girls will be invited to bring along a parent or significant adult in their life in addition to their teacher(s). Adults will spend time touring labs and learning about Rockwell Collins outreach activities and how best to talk with young women about career choices and education in STEM fields.
· At 14 company locations, ExxonMobil engineers will engage middle-school students with presentations, hands-on experiments and demonstrations. Through site outings at ExxonMobil offices and classroom visits, more than 400 ExxonMobil volunteers will impact nearly 3,000 students. Local activities include demonstrations on how the industry uses 3D technology to search for oil and natural gas; water purification experiments; bridge-building with straws; exploring the science of manufacturing lipstick; and panel discussions with practicing engineers.
· The University of Texas at Austin, a WEPAN member, is holding its annual Women in Engineering Program, giving first through eighth grade students the chance to do fun grade-specific, hands-on engineering activities and interact with students, professors and engineers from the industry. Participating Girl Scouts receive a Girl Day patch available through partnership with the Girl Scouts of Central Texas. Last year’s event concluded with an exciting interactive show from Science in the Movies showcasing the engineering and science behind movie stunts.
· The University of Miami will bring over 100 local high school girls to campus to learn about engineering. Activities for the day include team competitions for the students in an engineering challenge and tours of various engineering labs with active demonstrations by graduate students and professors. A professional engineer introduces the students to the real world of engineering during lunch.
· Siemens Industry, Inc. in West Chicago, IL will hold its seventh annual Introduce a Girl to Engineering event. The event is for girls in 5th through 12th grade and will be hosted by woman engineers. Girls who attend will complete fun experiments associated with different engineering disciplines. Other highlights will include a short video about engineering and a factory tour.
· The Women in Science and Engineering Roundtable (WISER) at Case Western Reserve University (CWRU) will host middle school students from schools in the Cleveland area and visit labs in different departments in the Case School of Engineering (CSE). In each lab, students will learn more about the research that is done there and will participate in a related, hands-on activity. WISER students will serve as â coaches to the middle school students and will escort students throughout campus and assist with laboratory activities. The day long activities also include a pizza lunch for all middle school students, their teachers, WISER volunteers and faculty hosts and guests.
· The Baltimore Chapter of the Women's Transportation Seminar (WTS) is working with the Baltimore Engineers Club and has invited girls from schools in Maryland to attend its Girl Day event. Women engineers are the featured speakers, including the current WTS scholarship winner who is attending Morgan State University and completing her civil engineering degree. There will also be a group team building activity and an interactive lunch provided by the Engineers Club.
National Engineers Week Foundation’s commitment to girls and women does not stop with Introduce a Girl to Engineering Day. From March 7-12, Engineers Week presents the Global Marathon For, By and About Women in Engineering and Technology, an annual worldwide forum connecting professional women, college students and girls for virtual and in-person conversations about education and careers in engineering and technology.
Major support for Introduce a Girl to Engineering Day 2011 is provided by ExxonMobil Corporation, Motorola Foundation, S. D. Bechtel, Jr. Foundation, Rockwell Collins and Agilent Technologies. Additional support is provided by the National Science Foundation (NSF).
About Engineers Week
The National Engineers Week Foundation, a formal coalition of more than 100 professional societies, major corporations and government agencies, is dedicated to ensuring a diverse and well-educated future engineering workforce by increasing understanding of and interest in engineering and technology careers among young students and by promoting pre-college literacy in math and science. Engineers Week also raises public understanding and appreciation of engineers' contributions to society. Founded in 1951, it is among the oldest of America's professional outreach efforts. Co-chairs for 2011 are Raytheon and the American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE).Guest Post: So She Can Be Somebody Tomorrow
By Jenny Hobbs
Jenny Hobbs joined Concern in Liberia as Education Program Coordinator in 2009. She previously worked as a primary school teacher in Ireland before training teachers in The Gambia and Ethiopia. Jenny is based in Buchannan City, close to Concern’s rural school communities.
When a girl starts school in Liberia, she arrives full of enthusiasm and hope. Squeezing onto a bench with children her age—under a corrugated roof, in a make-shift building—she looks to her teacher ready to learn. But, without books to read from, a desk to lean on or a pencil to hold, progress is slow. Her teacher is an untrained, unqualified, unpaid volunteer. He struggles to control the overcrowded class and yearns for a curriculum to follow, textbooks to use or a decent blackboard to write on.
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Children form orderly line ahead of entering school for morning class. | Ph | oto: Ester Havens, Concern Worldwide |
Concern Liberia is working to address these issues in 30 remote schools in Grand Bassa County. Constructing classrooms, separate toilets for boys and girls and providing furniture is just the start. Textbooks and other essential learning items like blackboards, pencils and copybooks are also being distributed.
To address the shortage of trained teachers available, Concern has posted Teacher Trainers in several rural communities across Grand Bassa to provide on-the-job training and support for primary school teachers. Bolstered by textbooks, tutoring and courses in teaching methodology, literacy and numeracy, such education programs can effectively bridge the gaps in their own education.
Ida Hughes volunteered to become a teaching assistant when she heard about the education program. Her eight children (5 boys and 3 girls) attend a primary school in the rural community of Fortsville. Ida never had the opportunity to complete her own education and knows plenty about the consequences. She puts her children through school with meager earnings from rice production and charcoal, which she makes from chopped wood.
Ida explains how she was forced to abandon her education: “At grade seven my foster parents stopped sponsoring me in school. They told me that they were not in a position to support another person’s child to complete high school.”
Not long ago, Ida joined the program as a teaching assistant. Today she supports teachers in the classroom, and attends basic courses to improve her own academic skills. She has high hopes to passthe Liberian national examinations and is determined to realize her dream to enroll in a teacher training college.
Liberia is still recovering from a brutal 14-year civil war that destroyed lives, schools and homes. Providing education opportunities for young girls and boys is essential to securing the country’s economic recovery and to affording Liberia the opportunity to lift itself out of poverty. Children need safe learning environments, free from corporal punishment and sexual exploitation and abuse—especially girls. In 2008, the failed system had an abysmally low net enrolment rate of just 33 percent for primary school: that’s 67 percent of primary school aged children out of school.
When I visited Tepenneh last week, I was reminded about the vital importance providing safe learning spaces for girls. The old school building, a makeshift one-room structure made out of mud and stone is on the verge of collapse. Accompanied by a crowd of giggling children, I visited the site where we are building a new school with six classrooms, equipped with separate toilets for boys and girls. The importance of doing this can’t be overestimated. Girls are placed in danger of sexual assault when they have no safe toilets and have to share toilets with boys and men, or when they have to leave the school grounds to use the bush. Rape and sexual violence is a serious problem in post-conflict Liberia and we must make primary schools as safe as possible so children can learn free from danger of assault. The Tepenneh community will rejoice when the new school building becomes officially theirs come April!
Girls’ education is hampered by the common belief in Liberia that girls are less intelligent than boys—a falsehood most devastatingly apparent in the lack of support demonstrated by parents. Unfortunately in Liberia, a girl’s education pays few tangible dividends and she ultimately becomes the ‘property’ of the family into which she marries. In addition, gender-`based violence and sexual exploitation by male teachers and fellow classmates severely limit enrolment and retention. When I reflect on the privileged way I grew up and got an education, I am saddened at the plight of girls’ here. I am grateful to make a difference, however modest, each day that I’m on the ground here.
My colleagues and I are working hard to encourage parents to send their children to school, especially girls. More importantly, communities must be educated about their children’s rights and become aware of the importance of gender equality. Parents and children are learning about the newly-introduced Liberian Code of Conduct for Teachers. Community members have translated the code into Liberian English so that parents and children can understand it better. One rule simply said “Teachers must not make love to students or impregnate students.” Now parents can report abuses in confidence to ensure their children are protected while at school.
Together with the Ministry of Education, Concern is working in rural schools to ensure that every girl has a brighter future, so she can “be someone tomorrow”.
Teachers: Keep Students Safe Online & Win!
The Internet can be a pretty crazy place. With so much in the news about cyberbullying, it’s important your students know how to stay safe and secure when they are online. As a teacher, you and your students can help keep the Internet a safer place for everyone, especially children. If you do, you could with $10,000 for your school
How? As a class project, help your students create and share a quick video (30 seconds to 2 minutes) about staying safe and secure online. Submit it to the “What’s Your Story?” Internet safety video competition on whatsyourstory.trendmicro.com.
The competition is open to everyone 13 and older living in the US, UK and Canada (excluding Quebec), so feel free to let other teachers and parents know.
The deadline for submissions is April 5, 2011, so make sure to get started soon. Head to whatsyourstory.trendmicro.com to find out more and submit your Internet safety video.
How? As a class project, help your students create and share a quick video (30 seconds to 2 minutes) about staying safe and secure online. Submit it to the “What’s Your Story?” Internet safety video competition on whatsyourstory.trendmicro.com.
The competition is open to everyone 13 and older living in the US, UK and Canada (excluding Quebec), so feel free to let other teachers and parents know.
The deadline for submissions is April 5, 2011, so make sure to get started soon. Head to whatsyourstory.trendmicro.com to find out more and submit your Internet safety video.
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Top Apps for Valentine's Day
Valentine’s Day will be even sweeter this year thanks to mobile app superstore, Appitalism's anticipated Valentine’s Day debut of the Android version of Angry Birds Valentine’s Day Edition, free of cost.
“With more than 50 million downloads having already flown the nest and landed on devices everywhere, Angry Birds is nothing short of a cultural phenomenon, and we’re happy to have the special Valentine’s Day edition available on Appitalism,” said Simon Buckingham, Chief Appitalist.
Additionally, preparing for this love-filled holiday has never been easier thanks to mobile app experts at Appitalism. Here are some other apps provided by Appitalism.com to make Valentine’s Day a breeze:
1800Flowers Mobile Gift Center (Free for the Android) - Ordering flowers has never been quicker thanks to the 1800Flowers mobile app. Part of a great gift is timing, and thanks to this app you’re guaranteed on-time delivery on Valentine’s day.
Famous Love Quotes ($0.99 for the Android) - Madly in love but can’t find the words to describe how you feel? Download this app to have the most famous love quotes and poems at your fingertips and impress your partner.
Coupons and Shopping Discounts by GeoQpons (Free for the iPhone) - If you’re on a budget but want to buy your loved one a great gift for Valentine’s Day, this app will provide you with coupons and deals from brands such as Ann Taylor, Sports Authority, H&M, Aeropostale, Kohls, and many more.
Valentine's Day Tips (Free for the iPhone) - If Valentine’s Day plans are not your forte, use this app to provide you with advice geared specifically towards this holiday. From selecting a gift to planning a date, these simple and practical tips will make for an unforgettable Valentine’s Day.
EEOC To Examine Treatment of Unemployed Job Seekers
WASHINGTON – The U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) will hold a public meeting on Wednesday, February 16, at 9:30 a.m. (Eastern Time), at agency headquarters, 131 M Street, N.E. In accordance with the Sunshine Act, the meeting is open for public observation of the Commission’s deliberations.
In order to examine the practice by employers of excluding currently unemployed persons from applicant pools, including in job announcements, the Commission will hear from invited panelists on the potential impact on job seekers. The meeting agenda includes:
Panel 1: U.S. Department of Labor’s Latest Unemployment Data
• William E. Spriggs, Assistant Secretary for Policy, U.S. Department of Labor
Panel 2: Unemployment Status Screening
• Christine Owens, Executive Director, National Employment Law Project (NELP)
• Fernan R. Cepero, Vice President for Human Resources, The YMCA of Greater Rochester, representing SHRM
• Amy Dias, Partner, Jones Day
• Helen Norton, Professor, University of Colorado Law School
Panel 3: Impact on Unemployed Persons
• Fatima Goss Graves, Vice President for Education and Employment, National Women’s Law Center
• Algernon Austin, Director of the Race, Ethnicity, and the Economy Program, Economic Policy Institute
• Joyce Bender, CEO, Bender Consulting Services
A brief question-and-answer session with EEOC Commissioners will follow each panel discussion.
Seating is limited and it is suggested that visitors arrive 30 minutes before the meeting in order to be processed through security and escorted to the meeting room.
The Commission agenda is subject to revision. Additional information about the hearing, when available, will be posted at http://www.eeoc.gov/eeoc/ meetings/index.cfm.
The EEOC enforces federal laws prohibiting employment discrimination. Further information about the EEOC is available on its web site at www.eeoc.gov.
In order to examine the practice by employers of excluding currently unemployed persons from applicant pools, including in job announcements, the Commission will hear from invited panelists on the potential impact on job seekers. The meeting agenda includes:
Panel 1: U.S. Department of Labor’s Latest Unemployment Data
• William E. Spriggs, Assistant Secretary for Policy, U.S. Department of Labor
Panel 2: Unemployment Status Screening
• Christine Owens, Executive Director, National Employment Law Project (NELP)
• Fernan R. Cepero, Vice President for Human Resources, The YMCA of Greater Rochester, representing SHRM
• Amy Dias, Partner, Jones Day
• Helen Norton, Professor, University of Colorado Law School
Panel 3: Impact on Unemployed Persons
• Fatima Goss Graves, Vice President for Education and Employment, National Women’s Law Center
• Algernon Austin, Director of the Race, Ethnicity, and the Economy Program, Economic Policy Institute
• Joyce Bender, CEO, Bender Consulting Services
A brief question-and-answer session with EEOC Commissioners will follow each panel discussion.
Seating is limited and it is suggested that visitors arrive 30 minutes before the meeting in order to be processed through security and escorted to the meeting room.
The Commission agenda is subject to revision. Additional information about the hearing, when available, will be posted at http://www.eeoc.gov/eeoc/
The EEOC enforces federal laws prohibiting employment discrimination. Further information about the EEOC is available on its web site at www.eeoc.gov.
Glamour's New Body Image Survey
In a stunning new survey done exclusively by Glamour, young women recorded an average of 13 brutal thoughts about their bodies each day (some had as many as 35, 50 or even 100!). 300 women of all sizes from across the country were asked to note every negative or anxious thought they had about their bodies over the course of one full day.
The results shocked us—97 percent admitted to having at least one “I hate my body” moment. Some of the comments recorded were, “You’re bigger than her, fatty,” “Your stomach is fat. That is why you are alone,” and “Oh my God, look at her waist and legs! We’re the same height. She looks like a model. I look like a lumpy sock.”
We need to look at ourselves in a better light. If not for us, but for other females like our daughters and nieces.
To see the full survey results, click here.
The results shocked us—97 percent admitted to having at least one “I hate my body” moment. Some of the comments recorded were, “You’re bigger than her, fatty,” “Your stomach is fat. That is why you are alone,” and “Oh my God, look at her waist and legs! We’re the same height. She looks like a model. I look like a lumpy sock.”
We need to look at ourselves in a better light. If not for us, but for other females like our daughters and nieces.
To see the full survey results, click here.
Aminatta Forna Podcast Now Available!
Download a Free Recording of IMOW’s Speaker Series
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Aminatta Forna Credit: Simon Westcott |
Acclaimed African author and IMOW Global Council member Aminatta Forna joined the International Museum of Women on January 26, 2011, for our Extraordinary Voices, Extraordinary Change Speaker Series. Aminatta spoke about her newly published, critically acclaimed book The Memory of Love, talked about what inspires her as a woman writer, and described her experience as a dual citizen of both the United Kingdom and Sierra Leone.
If you weren’t able to make it to the event, a podcast of the evening is now available!
You can also download any International Museum of Women podcast for free. Just search for International Museum of Women on iTunes!
Aminatta Forna appeared in conversation with the Executive Director of the International Museum of Women, Clare Winterton.
List of 66 Teacher Discounts
Teacher discounts don't often receive the same attention as those specifically for students, but educators need not frown -- there are plenty to be had.
Along with classroom supplies and other learned goodies like books, numerous teacher discounts are offered nationwide, ranging from laptops and Photoshop to museum entry and cell phone plans. Gift Card Granny has compiled a list of 66 top-notch discounts spanning nine categories, both online and off. A sampling:
Along with classroom supplies and other learned goodies like books, numerous teacher discounts are offered nationwide, ranging from laptops and Photoshop to museum entry and cell phone plans. Gift Card Granny has compiled a list of 66 top-notch discounts spanning nine categories, both online and off. A sampling:
- The Container Store: The organizational aficionados provide a 15 percent discount on all items through the Organized Teacher Program. Register online for a free discount card to use for in-store and online purchases. If you visit a store, be sure to have your school ID.
- Borders: Register for the Classroom Discount Card, a brand-spanking-new program that entitles librarians and teachers 25-percent off most purchases. The discount is for those who teach preschool to high school and available in-store only.
- The Limited: Show a school ID or valid pay stub when you shop at any The Limited location and snag 15-percent off your entire order. The offer is good for all items on the racks, walls or tables. In other words, everything.
- Bose: The Bose offer is prime, particularly for those in need of sonic stimulation. Variable discounts are available on all music systems and accessories. Call the Customer Focused Development Team at 1-800-353-4027 for pricing and to place an order.
- Cell Phone Companies (Verizon, AT&T, Sprint, T-Mobile): This discount is a tad tricky to redeem but can save loads on a personal cell phone bill, sometimes up to 20 percent a month. Visit your providers business or discount portal and input your .edu e-mail address to check if your institution is registered. Example: Search "Verizon business discount" in an engine and click on the first result to check your discount or register.
- National Park Service: Show a valid school ID at a slew of National Park Service visitor centers across the nation and receive 15-percent off any purchase. The discount doesn't apply to park entry or camping fees.
- John & Mable Ringling Museum of Art: Present a valid school ID at the box office to snag a discounted day pass at the estate-turned-gallery in Sarasota, Fla. The museum, named for John Ringling of Ringling Brothers circus fame, is located at 5401 Bay Shore Road.
Win a Free $595 Custom Frame in Our "Re-Spec Yourself" Contest
Two top designs will win a free custom frame hand-crafted by Indivijual Custom Eyewear.
Top ten designers will win a free design consultation by the professional design team of Indivijual, with recommendations of the best frame style and color for you or for a person designated by you.
How to Enter: Rules and Instructions
Top ten designers will win a free design consultation by the professional design team of Indivijual, with recommendations of the best frame style and color for you or for a person designated by you.
How to Enter: Rules and Instructions
- Eyewear designs must be created using the DesignYourOwnEyewear.com eyewear design app. You may enter as many as five designs. All designs must be created for yourself and must be superimposed over a photo of your face that you have uploaded to the DYOE app. When you are finished with a design, you must send that single design from the DesignYourOwnEyewear website via a single email copied to a minimum of three friends in addition to the contest email address: DesignContest@
DesignYourOwnEyewear.com - All designs must be an all plastic frame created solely on DesignYourOwnEyewear.com. In order to win, it must be a design that can be constructed soundly by Indivijual Custom Eyewear.
- Winning designs will be judged by the professional design team of Indivijual. Winners will be notified by May 1, 2011.
RE-SPEC YOURSELF: Eyewear Design Contest Sponsored by
Personal Interest
Always double check your resumes and applications. Never fully rely on spell check. If you must, have someone else proofread your work.
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Women Procurement Program Effective Today
Today the Small Business Association’s (SBA) Women’s Procurement Program law goes into effect to expand federal contracting opportunities for women-owned businesses. There are $30 billion in contracts set aside specifically for women. For the 80,000 women-owned small businesses registered to do business with the federal government, this is an enormous opportunity.
For the first time, federal agencies can set aside contracts specifically for women-owned small businesses. In addition to opening up more opportunities for women business owners, the rule is also another tool to help the government meet its statutory goal that 5% of federal contracting dollars go to women-owned small businesses. Women received only 3.4% of federal contract dollars in 2009.
Participation by women business owners in federal contracting can be a lucrative revenue booster. According to American Express OPEN’s government contracting survey, two thirds of women whose firms do business with the federal government generate more than $1 million in sales.
After a business has its NAICS code, D-U-N-S number and is registered on the Central Contractor Registration (CCR) – the primary supplier database for the federal government, Lourdes Martin-Rosa, American Express OPEN Advisor on Government Contracting, offers the following tips to help business owners stand out from the competition and get a leg up on the more than $500 billion the U.S. government spends each year on goods and services.
- Get your business certified: Visit www.sba.gov/gcbd to determine if your business qualifies for Small Business Certification
- Know the agency you are targeting: Before responding to any government solicitation, check out the history of the agency’s product/service awards at www.fpds.gov.
- Check out the procurement forecasts for your targeted agencies: Each federal agency produces and is required to post on their website an annual procurement forecast, maintained by its Office of Small and Disadvantaged Business Utilization (OSDBU) or equivalent. Contact each agency OSDBU at www.firstgov.gov to see what goods or services they anticipate buying.
- Make your price list easy to understand: Address all required items, even if they’re not applicable. If you’re in a competitive area, you may need to discount your top commercial price. But don’t discount so much that you will lose money on the transaction, and keep in mind that government agencies seek the best value, not necessarily the lowest price.
- Learn from those who preceded you: Use available resources to find information that will save you time and money.
For more resources on how women can get ahead, visit the Give Me 5 website for online resources and information about regional events. American Express OPEN also created OPEN Insight Guides on OPENForum.com/ governmentcontracting to provide tips and advice for business owners looking to do business with the government.
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World Cancer Day - Stand Up with a Status on Facebook
This Friday, February 4 is World Cancer Day. To support this awareness-raising initiative, Stand Up to Cancer is calling on all Facebook users to take a virtual stand with their status message.
One in two men and one in three women will get cancer in their lifetimes. Isn't it time to take a stand against cancer and change the odds? On Friday, please take a moment to spread the word and help send a global message to end cancer.
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