Eating Fruits and Vegetables Like Going to the Dentist?

TwitterMoms and Horizon Little Blends is sponsoring a contest for for parents to share how they have their children eat their fruits and vegetables.

For some parents, feeding fruits and vegetables to their children is like going to the dentist--scary and painful. However, it doesn't have to be.

Here are some ideas that I have done with my child and some I have done without my child knowing (no, it doesn't include bribing or blackmailing):

  • I have had my son help me prepare dishes that include vegetables and fruits. The fact that he helped prepare them makes them more special to him that he sees it is as a reward of eating something from his own hand.
  • I have often included a very puree vegetable mix in hamburger meat, shishkabobs, etc.
  • My son and I have always made frozen popsicle by freezing 100 percent juices. He enjoyed the activity, while I got to remind him that not only these are fun to make, but also better and healthy for him.
  • My son is a the age now that he loves to use a plastic knife or butter knife with supervision, for example like putting peanut butter on celery sticks.
  • I also include my son when grocery shopping asking him what kinds of fruits or vegetables we need at home.
Share your tips with us.

1 comment:

  1. What a fun contest - and good tips... I've got to get my daughter to help me cook more in hopes that she'll actually eat the foods!

    Following you from MBC...



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