When she considered how she could best serve others in her business, her mind kept gravitating to some of the most stressful years of her life: the years she spent working for an investment bank. She worked late nights and early mornings and regularly had dinner at her desk. Although it was difficult, the company she worked for did its best to make sure her colleagues and her were taken care of – They offered town cars to take them home late at night. They offered catered dinners that were delivered to their desks during late night sessions. That company taught Jamie the art of delegating tasks and the importance of hiring the right people to do the work.
Here’s what you should know about Jamie, she's not a college kid looking for extra money. She's not a bored housewife looking for a way to spend her afternoons. Jamie graduated with a Bachelor’s degree in Economics from Spelman College and a MBA from the Zicklin School of Business at Baruch College. She is a business woman focused on executing at a high level. She manages your life so that you can live it. Jamie and her team anticipate your needs and she ensure that all assignments are efficiently completed with the goal of exceeding your standards.
I had the privilege of interviewing Jamie.
Faten Abdallah (FA): Have people become busier? Why?
Jamie Bennett (JB): Yes, I believe so. The prevalence of cell phones, along with the growth of social media literally gives us the ability to be plugged in non-stop. We can check our e-mail from our phone, plan a vacation and conduct our banking business via our phones. If you haven't figured out how to step away from it every once in a while you will find yourself being "on" 24/7.
FA: There are 24 hours in a day, how can we "do it all"?
JB: The only way that I know to "do it all" in 24 hours is to become a rockstar at delegating. There are core tasks in your life that can only be done by you, everything else has to be moved off your plate. Hiring help is one of the smartest things you can do for yourself!! Release any guilt that you feel with delegating tasks, we don't judge our clients, ever. We are the solution in helping you live your very best life.
FA: What inspired you to start The Lifestyle Group?
JB: After 21 years, I reached a point in my career in Corporate America where I wasn't happy or fulfilled. I allowed myself to begin the journey of figuring out what's next. As I began to consider entrepreneurship, I went through the list of things that I couldn't do well enough to have a business doing, like cooking and sewing, lol. I then begin to pray about the competencies that I were passionate about and that could be monetized. I reflected on my time working for an Investment Bank and how they provided an opportunity for you to delegate many personal task. I believed that there was an opportunity for that philosophy to be applied to people's personal lives.
FA: What have clients gained from using your services?
JB: Clients have gained peace of mind and the ability to be present in their lives. Instead of spending time in the grocery store, they are able to be at their child's sporting event. Instead of worrying about the details of an event and the behind the scenes madness, they are able to enjoy their guest and being a host.
I really want people to make time to open their mind to the concept of applying outsourcing to their personal lives. It will require a shift in mindset, but it is life changing and an investment worth making. I always say, "Superwoman is a fictitious character, she was never supposed to be your role model."
Visit website, www.wemanagelife.com, on facebook https:\\www.facebook.com\ WeManageLife, on instagram - thelifestylestrategist and on twitter @ceojb.
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